Vital signs monitoring plays a crucial role in helping nurses prevent worsening clinical situations becoming crises. In order to be valuable tools, the four physiological readings (systolic blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and body temperature) must be correctly measured, recorded and interpreted. Inaccurate and misinterpreted information can compromise timely interventions for deteriorating patients and have fatal results.
Solutions proposed to improve the accuracy of vital signs monitoring include the MEWS system
Sources : « Vital Signs », Louise Rose, American Journal of Nursing, May 2010, Volume 110, Issue 5, p 11.
« The Signs are all there », Rosalind Brown, Nursing Standard, vol. 23, n° 42, p. 61, June 24, 2010.
Worsening (n) évolution défavorable ; aggravation
Reading (n) indicateur ; relevé de données
Heart/respira-tory rate (n) fréquence cardiaque/respiratoire
Track and trigger (n) de suivi et d’alerte
ICU ward (n) service de soins intensifs
1. What are the consequences of inaccurate and misinterpreted vital signs ?
Timely interventions may be compromised ; consequences may be fatal.
2. What are the MEWS and SI systems used for ?
They improve the accuracy of vital signs monitoring in order to detect trends towards deterioration.
3. Explain « track and trigger ».
One checks the trend of data and, at a certain value, puts an action in place.