L'infirmière Magazine n° 361 du 01/06/2015




At the hospital, the nurse reviews a patient’s medical history, home medicines and social habits, during the pre-anesthesia appointment.

Nurse: Hi, I’m Marion, the anesthesia nurse. I’m going to ask some questions prior to your surgery next week. This will help develop your anesthesia care plan. So can you give me your full name please?

Patient: Neil Harrison.

Nurse: Right Mr. Harrison. How old are you?

Patient: 34.

Nurse: How heavy and tall are you?

Patient: 75 kilos and 1 m 80.

Nurse: Are you allergic to any medication?

Patient: Not that I know of.

Nurse: Are you currently on medication?

Patient: Just anti-cholesterol drugs on a daily basis. I have migraines, so I usually have some paracetamol and triptan-based drugs. But only from time to time.

Nurse: All right. Did have any surgery lately?

Patient: Yes, two years ago I had a hernia operation.

Nurse: Have you or any blood relatives had difficulties with anesthesia?

Patient: No, I don’t think so.

Nurse: Ok. Have you recently had a cold or the flu?

Patient: Just common cold last month.

Nurse: Are you allergic to latex?

Patient: Oh, I can’t wear rubber gloves. I promptly have itchiness.

Nurse: Any chest pain, or a heart condition?

Patient: No, not at all.

Nurse: Shortness of breath? Asthma, bronchitis or any breathing problem?

Patient: No.

Nurse: Do you have diabetes?

Patient: My blood sugar is a bit high.

Nurse: Have you had hepatitis, liver disease, or jaundice? Or maybe kidney disease?

Patient: No.

Nurse: Ulcers or other stomach disorders?

Patient: I do suffer from heartburn.

Nurse: Do you have back or neck pain?

Patient: No. But I sometimes have stiff neck muscles from working on the desktop.

Nurse: Have you taken cortisone in the last months?

Patient: Yes. I had a sore throat that was not relieved by regular medicine, so the doctor gave me some kind of cortisone for five days. It was four months ago.

Nurse: Do you have loose, chipped, false teeth, or bridgework? Or oral piercings, in the tongue or lip?

Patient: No. Nurse: Ok. Do you smoke?

Patient: No. Nurse: And alcohol and recreational drugs?

Patient: Just occasionnally.

Nurse: Good. The night before surgery, you will be at the hospital to do some blood tests. You will get an identity band. Any surgery implies some risk factors, so you will have to sign a discharge consent. Don’t worry, this is just a legal aspect. You will get a meal in the evening before surgery, but next morning, you must not eat or drink. You will have to wash yourself thoroughly with a solution and remove hair around the incision site. You will get some relaxation drugs before being admitted to the operation room, where you will have general anesthesia. Don’t forget to remove any jewelry. All right?

Patient: No problem.


Anesthesia care plan: procédure de prise en charge en anesthésie

Bridgework: appareil dentaire

Chest pain: douleurs thoraciques

Loose, chipped, false teeth: des dents fragiles/fragilisées, ébréchées, un dentier

Recreational drugs: drogues douces

Shortness of breath: essoufflement

Stomach disorder: troubles gastriques

Common phrases

I’m the anesthesia nurse.

→ Je suis l’infirmière anesthésiste.

Are you allergic to any medication?

→ Êtes-vous allergique à certains médicaments ?

Are you currently on medication?

→ Êtes-vous sous traitement médicamenteux ?

You will spend the night at the hospital to do some blood tests.

→ Vous passerez la nuit à l’hôpital pour des prises de sang.

You must not eat or drink anything 8-hour prior to your check-in.

→ Vous ne devez plus manger ou boire huit heures avant votre admission.

You will have to wash yourself thoroughly with an antiseptic solution.

→ Vous devez vous laver minutieusement à l’aide d’une solution antiseptique.

You will have to remove hair around the incision site.

→ Vous devez raser la région qui sera opérée.