Preventing seasonal flu - L'Infirmière Magazine n° 364 du 01/10/2015 | Espace Infirmier

L'infirmière Magazine n° 364 du 01/10/2015




In a residential care-home for old and dependent people, a staff nurse and a trainee nurse are discussing the ways to prevent seasonal flu.

Trainee : What is the most important step in preventing seasonal flu in old people ?

Nurse : The first protection measure is vaccination.

Trainee : But I heard that vaccines are dangerous.

Nurse : Not at all. Vaccines are made from inactive viruses and can never give flu. The World Health Organization advises annual vaccination for people above the age of 65, especially if they have chronic diseases, and of course healthcare professionals who work with them.

Trainee: I don’t really get it…

Nurse : Each winter, in care facilities, nosocomial flu infections concern both elderly patients, whose defense mechanisms are very weak, and caregivers. This is why everybody should get a flu shot.

Trainee : The vaccine is enough then ?

Nurse : Yes, but standard hygiene measures should also be taken. These should be applied to all, caregivers and patients, in order to avoid the virus ?transmission, which generally manifests by lower respiratory tract infections. On an individual level for the caregivers, for example, it means hand washing, wearing a mask and gloves.

Trainee : Are there any other measures ?

Nurse : Yes. The diagnosis of at least three suspected flu cases not later than 48 hours, or just even a simple suspicion of respiratory infection, should trigger collective measures. For example, keeping the sick in their room especially during meals, giving masks to patients when they leave their room and to caregivers when entering the patients’ rooms, limiting visits and informing visitors, reinforcing hand hygiene for everyone, and suspending group activities for the patients.

Trainee : There’s much to do then !

Nurse : Actually, there are still a couple of things to do. In case of a flu epidemic, the High Council of Public Health recommends daily cleaning of the patients’ rooms, using a detergent and a disinfectant, insisting mainly on door knobs, bed rails, call bells and toilets. You should wash your hands thoroughly before handling meals, and discard the apron that you used to protect your work wear.

Trainee : But then again this is what we do during a flu epidemic I guess. Now is there anything to do beforehand ?

Nurse : According to the High Council of Public Health, in case of suspected respiratory infections, we should proceed to primary prevention in the care homes, that is vaccination of all patients and caregivers, rigorous hand hygiene and permanent surveillance of residents for early identification of suspected flu cases. As a healthcare professional, you should also give information to visitors and patients about general hygiene and protection, report any suspected case immediately, and finally, do further investigation with local and regional healthcare actors to identify causes and adapt and implement control measures.

Trainee : Well, thanks for such detailed information !


Seasonal flu : grippe saisonnière

Care facilities : centres de soins

A flu shot : un vaccin contre la grippe

Lower respiratory tract infections : infections respiratoires basses

Suspending groupactivities : suspendre les activités de groupe

Daily cleaning : nettoyage quotidien

Early identification : repérage précoce

Common phrases

People above the age of 65 should be vaccinated annually.

→ Les personnes de plus de 65 ans doivent être vaccinées tous les ans.

Wash your hands thoroughly before handling meals.

→ Lavez-vous les mains minutieusement avant de servir les repas.

Clean the patients’rooms daily.

→ Nettoyez les chambres des patients tous les jours.

Standard hygiene measures should be taken in order to avoid virus transmission.

→ Des mesures d’hygiène standard doivent être prises pour éviter la transmission des virus.

Keep the sick in their room especially during meals.

→  Gardez les malades dans leur chambre, particulièrement pendant les repas.

Flu manifests by lower respiratory tract infections.

→ La grippe se manifeste par des infections respiratoires basses.

Identify causes of infection, adapt and implement control measures.

→ Identifiez les causes de l’infection, mettez en place et adaptez les mesures de contrôle.