L'infirmière Magazine n° 387 du 01/11/2017





A healthcare provider (HCP) and a trainee nurse are discussing what causes drug abuse in teenagers, and what solutions might be offered.

Trainee: I didn’t know that teens are a high-risk group for drug abuse. What makes them prone to this?

HCP: This is primarily due to peer pressure, social freedoms, social situations, stress and emotional issues from home or school, and of course, curiosity. They use mostly alcohol and tobacco, and marijuana more than any other drug, and even prescription drugs, which can be addictive and used in overdose.

Trainee: What are the signs that may indicate any drug abuse?

HCP: They can include failing grades and performance at school, constant hunger, laughing for no reason, mood swings, smoky odour from their room, slurred speech, low energy, loss of interest in favourite activities, secretive behavior and sudden need for money without any reason.

Trainee: Who can tell if teenagers use drugs?

HCP: Parents and teachers usually do. But it’s not always easy to distinguish between drug abuse symptoms and normal teen angst.

Trainee: How should we react if we suspect drug use or abuse in teenagers?

HCP: We should talk to them, have an open discussion and express our concern. And we shouldn’t go in with accusations, because they will shut down and go on the defensive. We should let our teens know that we want to help them deal with whatever they are going through.

Trainee: Ok. And what if the teen admits using drugs?

HCP: Then we can ask him how often he uses drugs, which drugs are used, and how serious the drug abuse is. If emotional or stress related reasons are to blame, we can arrange for counseling to prevent further abuse. If an addiction is suspected, we will need to get proper treatment for them immediately.

Trainee: What else can we tell them about drugs?

HCP: We can tell them how important it is to understand the risks of overdose, addiction and permanent physical, emotional and relational damage. But also, that even abusing prescription drugs can lead to criminal charges. Over-the-counter drugs can also have chemicals that are deadly in high doses, and can also form addictions.

Trainee: And what about the « habit » of drug taking?

HCP: We can tell them that the habit of working daily under the influence of a mind or mood-altering substance leads to dependence. Being high also impairs judgement. It slows down thinking and reaction times, as well. This also prevents them from doing their best in school or being aware in social situations.

Trainee: Can we offer any medical help if we suspect the teen is a full-blown addict?

HCP: The best solution is an inpatient facility. These re?habilitation centers combine approaches to ensure patients get the best synergistic therapies. Medically supervised detoxification periods are done, followed by counseling, including peer or group therapies. The important thing is to let them know that they are not alone and that help is ready and available. All that is needed is to take the first step.


Mood swings: sautes d’humeur

Slurred speech: difficultés d’élocution

Prescription drugs: médicaments sur ordonnance

Mood-altering substances: psychotropes

Over-the-counter drugs: médicaments en vente libre

Normal teen angst: angoisse existentielle propre à tout ado

Full-blown addict: toxicomane avéré

Common phrases

Teens are a high-risk group for drug abuse because of peer pressure, social situations, stress and emotional issues from home or school.

→ Les jeunes sont très exposés à l’abus de drogues en raison de l’influence de l’entourage, des situations sociales et du stress affectif à la maison et à l’école.

Signs that a teenager uses drugs include failing grades and performance at school, mood swings, low energy and sudden need for money without any reason.

→ Parmi les signaux indiquant une consommation de drogues, on retrouve l’échec scolaire, les sautes d’humeur, le manque d’énergie et un besoin d’argent soudain sans réelle raison.

We shouldn’t go in with accusations, because teenagers will shut down and go on the defensive.

→ Il faut éviter les reproches car les jeunes se renfermeront et seront sur la défensive.

Being high impairs judgement and slows down thinking and reaction times.

→ Être sous l’influence de drogues altère le jugement et ralentit la pensée et la réflexionet les délais de réaction.