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28 résultat(s) Trier par date Trier par pertinence

  • A trainee nurse (TN) and an occupational therapist (OT) are discussing the subject of sexuality in disabled people prior to the former’s internship in a nursing home.
  • New on the job, a nurse (N) is discussing with the Staff Nurse (SN) her being overwhelmed at work.
  • A trainee nurse (TN) is carrying out her first internship in the Pneumology service. Her training supervisor (TS) is checking the latter’s knowledge on the subject before the start of the training.
  • A nursing student (NS) will soon be carrying out her first night shift training. A resident nurse (RS) is discussing the subject with her.
  • A health care professional (HCP) is seeing a patient to implement a therapeutic patient education (TPE) program following diagnosis of type II diabetes.
  • A resident nurse (RN) and a young trainee nurse (TN) are discussing a health care provider’s role in patient education, namely in women’s health.
  • A resident nurse (RN) is checking on a trainee nurse’s (TN) knowledge about neuropathic pain, before the latter takes on her duty.
  • On her first day of internship in the cardiac care unit, a trainee nurse (TN) is discussing with the staff nurse (SN) what heart failure is, its causes and management.
  • A staff nurse (SN) is explaining to a trainee nurse (TN) the causes, symptoms and treatments of Parkinson’s disease (PD).
  • In a home visit, a specialized nurse (SN) is discussing with an elderly patient (EP) what undernutrition implies and what measures should be taken.
  • A Resident Nurse (RN) and a Trainee Nurse (TN) are discussing what therapeutic patient education (TPE) implies.
  • In an interdisciplinary service for pain management, a specialized nurse (SN) is educating a patient (P) on how to deal with migraine spells.
  • In the ophthalmic emergency service, a specialized nurse (SN) is checking the general knowledge of a trainee nurse (TN) before the latter takes on her shift.
  • A resident nurse (RS) is training a young intern nurse (IN) on what Atopic Dermatitis is.
  • A female patient (P) has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. A nurse (N) is explaining to her what MS is and what to do for a better quality of daily life.
  • During her internship, a nursing student (NS) is being instructed by her tutor (T) on the anorectal disorders in paraplegia.
  • In a neurology unit, a tutor (T) is reviewing a trainee nurses’ (N) and an occupational therapy student’s (OT) knowledge on Alzheimer’s disease before practical training starts off.
  • A student nurse (SN) is carrying out her traineeship in cancerology. Her tutor (T) is checking some information with her concerning cancer pain care.
  • A course instructor (CI) is showing a first-year student nurse (SN) how to perform an intravenous, namely concerning the choice of the IV and the steps and requirements needed.
  • A student nurse (SN) is writing her term paper on oral hygiene and its impact on health. She’s having a discussion with a referent nurse (RN), who is her tutor.
  • In the Follow-up and Rehabilitation Service, a specialized nurse (SN) is educating an elderly patient’s family member (FM) on what bed sores are and what care is provided at hospital.
  • A trainee nurse (N) is carrying out her internship in the onco-dermatology service of a hospital. She’s discussing some biopsychosocial aspects of care with her tutor (T).
  • A newly qualified Occupational therapist (Ot) has been taken on in the Rheumatology service of a hospital. She’s having a discussion with the Staff Nurse (SN) on the subject.
  • A nurse is giving a patient some information about tuberculosis and how it can be dealt with in hospital and at home.
  • After having been diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a male patient and a nurse are discussing treatment options and follow-up care.